Tag Archives: chief-pervert

Gilmore Girls Creator to Alexis Bledel: "Never Put Your Shirt On Again" [PIC]

Mr. Skin was on the edge of his seat when Alexis Bledel ‘s Gilmore Girls practically popped out of her fur coat on Mad Men – and he wasn’t alone. Amy Sherman-Palladino created Gilmore Girls , the wholesome series that made Alexis a star, and although her adulterous Mad Men character is miles away from clean-cut Rory Gilmore, Palladino says she likes the new Alexis: “I bet a lot of [Gilmore fans] were traumatized,” she jokes to TvLine.com . “[But] you have to admit – they were good boobs. And they were real. And very nicely shaped.” “If I had tits like that I would walk around with no shirt on, I’m going to be very honest. So I would say to Alexis, ‘Never put your shirt on again.’ ” We whole-hardedly agree. See more sexy retro content from stars like Jessica Pare , Christina Hendricks and more on our Mad Men page, right here at MrSkin.com!

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Gilmore Girls Creator to Alexis Bledel: "Never Put Your Shirt On Again" [PIC]

Don’t Worry, Pervs, HBO’s Got Your Back [PIC]

Mr. Skin’s always saying that when it comes to nudity, premium cable is where it’s at. We love the boob tube because it’s not afraid of skin, so it’s nice to know that TV execs love us right back. Party Down creator Dan Etheridge asserted in an oral history last year that Starz pushed them to “explore premium content” (i.e., nudity) on the show, and in a new interview Neil Marshall , who directed Game of Thrones ‘ climactic Season 2 ” Blackwater ” episode, confirms that HBO execs also have boobs on the brain. As Marshall tells the Empire Film Podcast : ” It was pretty surreal. I’d not done anything like that in my films before. But the weirdest part was when you have one of the exec producers leaning over your shoulder, going, “You can go full frontal, you know. This is television, you can do whatever you want! And do it! I urge you to do it.” So I was like, “Okay, well, if you— you’re the boss. ” Marshall goes on to say, “This particular exec took me to one side and said, ‘Look, I represent the pervert side of the audience, okay? Everybody else is the serious drama side— I represent the perv side of the audience, and I’m saying I want full frontal nudity in this scene.’ So you go ahead and do it.” So if you enjoyed porn star Sahara Knite ‘s full-frontal scene in the “Blackwater” episode, you have HBO’s CPO (Chief Pervert Officer) to thank. And oh, how very grateful we are. Go on, make HBO proud- check out more nude HD pics and clips of Sahara Knite , Esme Bianco , Natalie Dormer and more on Game of Thrones right here on MrSkin.com!

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Don’t Worry, Pervs, HBO’s Got Your Back [PIC]