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Jesus Take The Multiple Desserts: The Super Chubby Lumpkins Swirlin’ Jawn Says She Smoked Crack To Lose Weight After Her Black Mandingo Left Her Lonely!!

Hold up, waaaaaaaait!! For years, the 44-year-old mother of two was a star in the fantasy fetish community that worshipped the overweight and the feeding that led to it. Simpson had a website where men paid $19 a month to watch her eat. She flew around the world for various events. And she became famous in the British papers. But as the year winds to a close, Simpson has moved on. She left New Jersey earlier this year after her romantic relationship with a man ended and returned to her hometown of Akron. She has turned away from the fantasy world, replacing her pre-recorded videos of her with a blog about her journey to health. She already has lost about 85 pounds, and she hopes to join a gym soon to begin walking in a pool. She has modified her eating, as well. “I realized that I was their fantasy,” she said. “Here I was getting bigger and bigger, and they had their thin wives, with 2 1/2 kids and a picket fence.” Being that she is 600 lbs. Simpson doesn’t believe that she will ever be a Victoria’s Secret model, but she did go through some pretty dramatic model-esque lengths to lose weight… “I’m not trying to be a size 4,” she said. “I’m not trying to be a thin-mint. I just want to be normal and more active.” She has struggled to lose weight for years. She weighed about 200 pounds when she attended Springfield High School in Summit County. Simpson often ate an apple a day along with a weight-loss drink. She said she even smoked crack cocaine for a few months several years ago in an attempt to shed pounds, though she says she didn’t become addicted. “All it did was make me clean my house really, really fast,” she said. LMMFAO!! Who the hell says: “To hell with Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, pass me the pipe and a couple rocks!”??? Fellas, would ANY of you hit this??? Source More On Bossip! Silver Spoon Swag: Stars That Were Born Rich Already! Sneaky Geniuses: Stars That Are Wayyyyy Smarter Than They Look Gone Home To Glory: The Notable Names That Passed Away In 2011 Part 1 X-Rated Bangers: The Hottest Black Adult Movie Stars In The Biz…Would You Wife Any Of Them?

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Jesus Take The Multiple Desserts: The Super Chubby Lumpkins Swirlin’ Jawn Says She Smoked Crack To Lose Weight After Her Black Mandingo Left Her Lonely!!