Here is your girl Ciara at the the Raptors vs. Knicks game last night in NYC showing off how “stylish” and “cool” she is. Are you feelin her and her friend’s get ups?? Wireimage More On Bossip! The Swirl: Meet Dwight Howard’s Colorful Assortment Of Baby Mamas [Pics] Played PT. 2: The Most Embarrassing Ways These Celebrities Got FIRED! You’re Outta Here! Shaq Dumps Hoopz And Calls Security On Her To Get Her Things! Twitter Files: Breezy Takes Karrueche To Cancun For Some Fun In The Sun Loving
Why the hell would you want to roll up some fraudulent funk??? It’s legal. It’s as easy to buy as aspirin. And a teenager you know has probably tried it. It’s “synthetic pot,” sold in corner stores as herbal incense or potpourri, and doctors and politicians say it’s becoming a dangerous scourge in the city. Dozens of people looking for a quick high are winding up in emergency rooms with alarming symptoms ranging from hallucinations and seizures to panic attacks and violent behavior. The problem is growing so fast that a major medical journal issued a warning last week about about the substance, often referred to as K2 or Spice. And Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is pushing for a nationwide ban that would make it illegal to hawk the condom-sized packets, which sell for $15 to $75 at stores and online. “People have the mind-set that this is ‘just pot,’ but it’s not,” said Dr. Lewis Nelson, a medical toxicologist at NYU Langone and Bellevue hospitals and director of training at the city’s poison control center. “Synthetic marijuana is really a misnomer. It’s really quite different, and the effects are much more unpredictable. “It’s dangerous, and there is no quality control in what you are getting.” There have been several reports of people acting irrationally and violently after a few tokes of the kounterfeit kush. Several teen deaths have been blamed on the Mary Jane substitute: Last week, a 17-year-old who was reportedly high on it fatally stabbed a sleeping schoolmate, Jasmyn Tully, 17, in Washington State because he felt “an urge to hurt someone,” authorities said. Last June, Max Dober, 19, was killed after he bought Aroma at an Illinois mall and crashed his car into a house at 100 mph. In June 2010, Iowa teen David Mitchell Rozga, 18, committed suicide in a frenzy of anxiety that his parents believe was triggered by K2. There’s nothin’ like the real thing baaaaybay! Source More On Bossip! The Swirl: Meet Dwight Howard’s Colorful Assortment Of Baby Mamas [Pics] Played PT. 2: The Most Embarrassing Ways These Celebrities Got FIRED! You’re Outta Here! Shaq Dumps Hoopz And Calls Security On Her To Get Her Things! Twitter Files: Breezy Takes Karrueche To Cancun For Some Fun In The Sun Loving
Why the hell would you want to roll up some fraudulent funk??? It’s legal. It’s as easy to buy as aspirin. And a teenager you know has probably tried it. It’s “synthetic pot,” sold in corner stores as herbal incense or potpourri, and doctors and politicians say it’s becoming a dangerous scourge in the city. Dozens of people looking for a quick high are winding up in emergency rooms with alarming symptoms ranging from hallucinations and seizures to panic attacks and violent behavior. The problem is growing so fast that a major medical journal issued a warning last week about about the substance, often referred to as K2 or Spice. And Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is pushing for a nationwide ban that would make it illegal to hawk the condom-sized packets, which sell for $15 to $75 at stores and online. “People have the mind-set that this is ‘just pot,’ but it’s not,” said Dr. Lewis Nelson, a medical toxicologist at NYU Langone and Bellevue hospitals and director of training at the city’s poison control center. “Synthetic marijuana is really a misnomer. It’s really quite different, and the effects are much more unpredictable. “It’s dangerous, and there is no quality control in what you are getting.” There have been several reports of people acting irrationally and violently after a few tokes of the kounterfeit kush. Several teen deaths have been blamed on the Mary Jane substitute: Last week, a 17-year-old who was reportedly high on it fatally stabbed a sleeping schoolmate, Jasmyn Tully, 17, in Washington State because he felt “an urge to hurt someone,” authorities said. Last June, Max Dober, 19, was killed after he bought Aroma at an Illinois mall and crashed his car into a house at 100 mph. In June 2010, Iowa teen David Mitchell Rozga, 18, committed suicide in a frenzy of anxiety that his parents believe was triggered by K2. There’s nothin’ like the real thing baaaaybay! Source More On Bossip! The Swirl: Meet Dwight Howard’s Colorful Assortment Of Baby Mamas [Pics] Played PT. 2: The Most Embarrassing Ways These Celebrities Got FIRED! You’re Outta Here! Shaq Dumps Hoopz And Calls Security On Her To Get Her Things! Twitter Files: Breezy Takes Karrueche To Cancun For Some Fun In The Sun Loving
“Mr. Boehner’s ties to lobbyists seem especially deep,” New York Times reporter Eric Lipton wrote of the House Republican Leader yesterday. Well, they’re not, and therein lies the problem: Lipton apparently premised his article not on facts and data, but on what he thought seemed reasonable. Had Lipton stooped to investigate some of the serious claims he was making, he might have discovered that Nancy Pelosi has raised almost twice as much money from lobbyists this cycle as has Boehner. He might also have revealed that Sens. Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and Blanche Lincoln all raised more money from lobbyists this cycle as Boehner has since 1999. Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney, who did the legwork on these numbers, also noted that Boehner’s name does not appear on the Center for Responsive Politics’s list of the top 20 recipients of lobbyist cash. Eighteen House Democrats have received more such money than Boehner has this cycle. “Sure, Boehner is too close too lobbyists,” Carney writes, “but the money trail says he isn’t closer than Nancy Pelosi.” So why didn’t this (quite obvious) fact make it into Lipton’s Sunday article? It doesn’t fit the narrative. As I wrote yesterday , the Times has spent the past two years playing up GOP connections to lobbyists, while all but ignoring prominent Democrats’s blatant connections to powerful industry groups and their paid representatives. The Times’s omissions are all the more shady given the timing of Lipton’s piece – it came mere days after the Democratic attack machine set its sights on Boehner. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs heavily promoted the piece on the White House press office’s Twitter feed. This week, the DNC is slated to run a series of television ads targeting Boehner’s lobbyist ties. Hypocrisy in the political realm is nothing shocking. Politicians are not “objective,” and they don’t claim to be. But the New York Times seems to be throwing its weight, and its self-proclaimed mantle of non-partisanship behind a political attack ground in total hypocrisy. Perhaps the Gray Lady should adopt a strict policy of reporting what is, not what “seems” to be. Isn’t that the purpose of the news media?
Sen. Chuck Schumer’s words about Gaza, delivered at an Orthodox Union event on Wednesday, were coming back to haunt him via the Interweb on Friday, as video of Schumer declaring that it might be a good idea “to strangle [Gaza] economically,” among other select statements, made its way around the blogosphere.