I don’t know who Cindy Berthelot is because the internet doesn’t really want me to know who she is…but I do know GOOGLE IMAGES HAS HER TITTIES …and knowing what her titties looks like is substantially more interesting and relevant and important that knowing anything else about her…it’s even more important than these catalog lingerie pics she’s taking for some underwear company that I’d like to lick and lick and lick until the acidity in my saliva melted the shit off her…even if it took weeks to accomplish…I’m just committed to random girls posing in their underwear like that…she’s a babe…I should find her on twitter and ask her on a date…I’m sure it will turn into a long winded romance than ends in a double marriage like all my tweets to girls I want to be smothered by….
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Cindy Berthelot for Some Underwear Collection I Want To Lick of the Day