Tag Archives: circus-working

Marlena Szoka Titties for Fashion of the Day

Marlena Szoka is a Polish model, and despite having a promising career at a Polish circus working with a bear that balances on a ball, she left the gypsy life, to get naked for fashion… She’s tall, she’s got a hard face that looks like it has seen some shit, like her family being killed off in front of her, or something else equally communist and amazing…her tits are uneventful, but the fact that she’s showing them, with what looks like discomfort, makes the whole thing erotic…like it was a casting couch in a basement of a Polish meat plant, where her mom sent her at 14 to audition to get the family a better life…only now…as an established model who has done all kinds of high paying campaigns from Ralph Lauren to H&M…she’s makin’ way more money than working the factory, or whatever it is Polish people do other than circuses…

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Marlena Szoka Titties for Fashion of the Day