Tag Archives: clowning-him

We’re Uncomfortable: Kylie Jenner Gets Weird As F*** In The New Double Cover Of Interview Magazine [Photos]

Kylie Jenner Featured On Two Covers Of New Issue Of Interview Magazine I’m way flashier on Instagram and Snapchat because I feel like that’s what people want to see and that’s what I’ve always done, so I’m not going to stop. People want to see my cars and my purses…But that’s so not me. KYLIE JENNER Who the hell IS Kylie Jenner ? From what she tells Interview Magazine , she’s NOTHING like she portrays. Materialistic? Not Kylizzle: What I think is so amazing about having everything, and feeling like I have everything, is that I don’t really find happiness within materialistic things. Like, it’s cool if I can buy myself a new car, and I think it’s amazing for a week, but then the thrill is over, and I’m like, “Oh, so I guess that wasn’t really happiness.” I’ve realized through the years that I just find happiness in other things, whether it’s my dogs or my friends or, like, looking at the sunset. So if I were to wish for something else, it would just to be happy all the time, to have a superpower of not letting things affect me, and to be true to who I am, always. She’s NOT going to be attending any commencement ceremonies: I’m not going to college. I have done everything to prepare for college, so if I wanted to in the future, I could go at any time. But I’m not planning on going anytime soon. [voice heard in the background] Kim just said, “Good girl!” She’s VERY concerned about what people are saying about her: I have, like, a problem. [laughs] I wake up every morning at, like, seven or eight because I think that there’s a bad story about me, and I have to check. My worst fear is waking up and finding something bad about me on the internet. You can read the rest of the interview (no pun) here . In the meantime, you HAVE to hit the flip side and peep this crazy azz photo shoot! Images via Steven Klein

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We’re Uncomfortable: Kylie Jenner Gets Weird As F*** In The New Double Cover Of Interview Magazine [Photos]

These Black Pastors Support Donald Trump

Yall. The black pastor's debrief of their meeting with Trump… https://t.co/QWeE17WPhk — Johnetta Elzie (@Nettaaaaaaaa) November 30, 2015 Twitter Drags Black Pastor Who Supports Donald Trump Donald Trump has made a big deal about his silly meeting with “Black pastors” to pretend like he has support by anyone in the Black community. His meeting was on Monday and a few of the pastors had a press conference. That tap-dancing, jiggling clown had everyone clowning him and his buddies. The dragging was epic. Take a look.

Continued here:
These Black Pastors Support Donald Trump