Tag Archives: cobain-opens

Farrah Abraham Cam Girl Live Stream: The Show You Can Never Unsee

Farrah Abraham made her cam girl sex debut late last year, and for obvious reasons, the Teen Mom universe is flipping the eff out. First of all, who knew that cam girls were still a thing. Second of all … Farrah Abraham is one? Really?! Thirdly, did it get Farrah fired from Teen Mom ? Her employment status with MTV remains unclear, and up in the air, as Farrah's relationship with the truth is suspect, to say the least. But all this talk of her getting canned and  Abraham being replaced by Mackenzie (either Standifer or McKee) might have you thinking: What was this cam girl show really like?! Fortunately, we found out so you don't have to. WARNING: Some of the language and imagery below may be disturbing. 1. CamSoda’s Finest Whether Farrah fans found this whole live stream stunt legitimately titillating or morbidly fascinating, Abraham’s cam girl debut – which featured her pleasuring herself and much more – was a big hit for CamSoda. 2. (Server) Crash Into Me More bandwidth had to be added to account for the significant amount of traffic Farrah was pulling in – 70,000 people strong. That’s right, 70,000 Internet users took time out of their lives to tune in and see Farrah Abraham shove a … sorry, more on that in just a few moments. 3. Her Wish List Farrah’s “wish list” for the cam show (which is a thing, according to seedy Internet research we may or may not have just done) included travel, $3,000 for hairstyling, and a $1,000 shopping spree … in addition to the money she made from the livestream itself. Not a bad gig if you can get it. Except for the part about masturbating on camera. 4. Make Yourself Uncomfortable Not everyone was a fan or came (sorry) away from the experience feeling fulfilled. “The whole thing was so awkward. The way she kept putting her hand in her mouth, the way somebody called her fat (wtf?!),” one Reddit user said. “The way she can’t figure out her camera angle and blocks it with her foot, the way she got tangled up in her bikini bottoms.” Hey, it’s her first time alright?! 5. Can You Even Feel Those Things? “I don’t think her boobs have any feeling. All of it was really bad,” one sad viewer commented regarding the reality star’s enormous fake breasts. “But the worst part was how hard she was trying.” 6. Let’s Not and Say We Did Other users also did God’s work by transcribing some of Farrah’s more epic quotes during the cam show, like “Let’s just look at my p—y.” Or we could take your word for it, Ms. Abraham. Let’s go with the latter. View Slideshow

See original here:
Farrah Abraham Cam Girl Live Stream: The Show You Can Never Unsee

Farrah Abraham Cam Girl Live Stream: The Show You Can Never Unsee

Farrah Abraham made her cam girl sex debut late last year, and for obvious reasons, the Teen Mom universe is flipping the eff out. First of all, who knew that cam girls were still a thing. Second of all … Farrah Abraham is one? Really?! Thirdly, did it get Farrah fired from Teen Mom ? Her employment status with MTV remains unclear, and up in the air, as Farrah's relationship with the truth is suspect, to say the least. But all this talk of her getting canned and  Abraham being replaced by Mackenzie (either Standifer or McKee) might have you thinking: What was this cam girl show really like?! Fortunately, we found out so you don't have to. WARNING: Some of the language and imagery below may be disturbing. 1. CamSoda’s Finest Whether Farrah fans found this whole live stream stunt legitimately titillating or morbidly fascinating, Abraham’s cam girl debut – which featured her pleasuring herself and much more – was a big hit for CamSoda. 2. (Server) Crash Into Me More bandwidth had to be added to account for the significant amount of traffic Farrah was pulling in – 70,000 people strong. That’s right, 70,000 Internet users took time out of their lives to tune in and see Farrah Abraham shove a … sorry, more on that in just a few moments. 3. Her Wish List Farrah’s “wish list” for the cam show (which is a thing, according to seedy Internet research we may or may not have just done) included travel, $3,000 for hairstyling, and a $1,000 shopping spree … in addition to the money she made from the livestream itself. Not a bad gig if you can get it. Except for the part about masturbating on camera. 4. Make Yourself Uncomfortable Not everyone was a fan or came (sorry) away from the experience feeling fulfilled. “The whole thing was so awkward. The way she kept putting her hand in her mouth, the way somebody called her fat (wtf?!),” one Reddit user said. “The way she can’t figure out her camera angle and blocks it with her foot, the way she got tangled up in her bikini bottoms.” Hey, it’s her first time alright?! 5. Can You Even Feel Those Things? “I don’t think her boobs have any feeling. All of it was really bad,” one sad viewer commented regarding the reality star’s enormous fake breasts. “But the worst part was how hard she was trying.” 6. Let’s Not and Say We Did Other users also did God’s work by transcribing some of Farrah’s more epic quotes during the cam show, like “Let’s just look at my p—y.” Or we could take your word for it, Ms. Abraham. Let’s go with the latter. View Slideshow

See original here:
Farrah Abraham Cam Girl Live Stream: The Show You Can Never Unsee

Frances Bean Cobain Opens Up About Battle With Addiction

It’s been 24 years since Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain took his own life at the height of his fame. While the exact causes of Cobain’s self-destructive mental state remain a mystery, the singer’s long struggle with heroin addiction is believed to have played a role in his downward spiral. And the battle that claimed her father’s life was no doubt on Frances Bean Cobain’s mind yesterday, as she revealed that she’s celebrating two years of sobriety. Frances Bean Cobain on Instagram Frances shared the news with her millions of Instagram followers on Tuesday with a moving post about her new lease on life: “I thought I would start this post by using a pure moment in Oahu amongst nature, with my love. This moment is a representation of who I am on February 13th, 2018,” the 25-year-old wrote. “It feels significant here, now because it’s my 2nd sober birthday. It’s an interesting and kaleidoscopic decision to share my feelings about something so intimate in a public forum.” Cobain went on to say that she made a conscious decision to keep her struggle to herself until now: “The fact that I’m sober isn’t really public knowledge, decidedly and deliberately. But I think it’s more important to put aside my fear about being judged or misunderstood or typecast as one specific thing.” Frances says she’s opening up about her struggle now, in hopes that others might find inspiration in her ability to get clean: “I want to have the capacity to recognize & observe that my journey might be informative, even helpful to other people who are going through something similar or different,” she writes. The daughter of Courtney Love – who’s own struggles with addiction have been well-documented – adds that she’s realized using substances to escape her problems will always be tempting, but she says she’s found a better path: “Self-destruction and toxic consumption and deliverance from pain is a lot easier to adhere to. Undeniably, for myself and those around me becoming present is the best decision I have ever made. “How we treat our bodies directly correlates to how we treat our souls. It’s all interconnected. It has to be.” Frances ends her celebratory post with a message of hope for those who are struggling: “As cheesy and cornball as it sounds life does get better, if you want it to,” she writes. “I’ll never claim I know something other people don’t. I only know what works for me and seeking to escape my life no longer works for me.” After an ugly divorce from Isaiah Silva , Cobain is dating musician Matthew Cook these days. She assures fans that she’s never been happier. We wish her all the best in all her endeavors.

Originally posted here:
Frances Bean Cobain Opens Up About Battle With Addiction