On the bravery scale, we're pretty sure arguing with a stumping politician while he's engaged in some folksy BS like grilling pork at a state fair ranks somewhere between running into burning building and asking Donald Trump for his views on women . So the next time we need someone to kill a spider in our shower, we're calling up Ellen Page. The actress showed some serious cojones earlier today when confronting bridge-troll-turned- presidential-candidate Ted Cruz at the Iowa State Fair. Fortunately, the exchange was caught on camera. Page accused Cruz of “discriminating against LGBT people,” and to his credit, he calmly explained his position, as opposed to calling her a loser and hurling pork at her, as Trump likely would have. Interestingly, Page was dressed in a hat and sunglasses, and the Texas senator says he never realized he was speaking with a famous actress. Although even if she weren't covered up, we doubt Cruiz would've recognized Ellen. He doesn't strike us as a Juno fan.
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Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz Over Gay Rights: WATCH!