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I’m Paula, I’m 16 years old and I’m from Holland. Everyone is saying this, but I also never thought I could write my own Bieber Experience. Five years ago I saw this little boy on Youtube and I fell in love with him. Since then my only dream was to meet Justin Bieber. It all started in July 2012. There was an announcement that Justin would be coming to Holland. I was so excited because I couldn’t go to the My World Tour. I heard there was a pre-sale and I asked every American belieber if they had a code from Bieberfever because I wasn’t a member, and I got it. I ordered the tickets and I sat in section A row 11. My friends and I were so happy. A few months later there was another sale, with more M&G tickets. I asked my sister if she could buy them because I was in school and she got them! On April 13th it all went down. I made some new friends while I was waiting for the meet and greet to start. When I was in line, I saw a few people come out behind the curtains crying. I also started to cry when I saw them. Then it finally was my turn to go in. When I saw Justin he said “Hi” and smiled so cute, but I couldn’t say anything, I was literally in shock! When the photo was taken I wanted to ask for a hug, but sadly the security grabbed my arm and pushed me out of there. Besides that it was amazing even though it was so short! The concert was great. I still can’t believe I saw and touched him. I’m shaking while typing this. At first it may seem like a lot of money, but it’s TOTALLY worth it! I had the best time of my life. To you who haven’t met him yet, you will meet him someday, just believe like I did. -@xPaulaP Excerpt from: I’m Paula, I’m 16 years old and I’m from…