As the summer goes on, the summer blockbusters begin their decline into the fall dramas. Normally that is a good thing, especially this year because I think a lot of us experienced some major blockbuster fatigue. But, as much as we are ready for a break, get ready to be excited because it looks like Kate Beckinsale is back in black leather for another Underworld movie. … read more
Kandi Burruss Reveals Son Ace Wells Tucker’s Face Kandi Burruss’ baby boy may already have his own social media account , but he’s been shy about showing his face for the past two and a half months he’s been kicking it outside the womb . But today, Baby Ace was ready for his closeup, while snapped posing in his animal-themed baby boudoir with his proud mama Kandi . Kandi gave a first look at her infant son to People Magazine in this week’s issue, and he is adorable: Cute, right? Kandi and Todd also explained the decor of their little prince’s nursery, making it a nod to the trip that brought them together: “We wanted a safari theme because we met in Africa, but we didn’t want it to be over the top,” says Burruss. “It’s safari chic,” adds Tucker. “Safari clean.” Now that the family of five is settling into their new routine, the couple couldn’t be happier at home in Atlanta. “I always wanted a boy so we were super excited because we have two girls and they give us much attitude,” Burruss jokes. “We were looking forward to having a boy.” Awww! Lets get a closer look at that little face, since it’s been kept a mystery for so long… So cute! Do you think Ace looks more like Mommy or Daddy?? Hit the flip for more photos of the recently unveiled Baby Ace! / Instagram
I know that Jennifer Lawrence was paid 5 million or more dollars by Dior to promote their shitty sweatshop made purses. I would argue that Jennifer Lawrence won’t sell 5 million or more dollars of purses for Dior, it’s not like she’s a Kardashian. I know how this shit works, and it’s a big picture concept to book an Oscar Winner as part of a campaign, so that the big brands with big money have something to spend their money on and the agencies they hire…keep getting that big money..where the execs can get excited because they’ve heard her named thanks to all the press she’s had…as an A-Lister they’ve created….because they need A-Listers to keep budgets high…. This is a big picture play, you know to give a lifestyle to the brand, not focused on campaign driven product like she’s a Dior purse AVON lady, but she’s so fucking average, and I’ll never understand why she’s so celebrated. I am also the kind of person who doesn’t believe that actors have talent, and that they are just a level of pretentious, arrogant, confident, egotistical, vapid and delusional….where they feel comfortable acting like fools on camera…because it pays them stupid money, makes them stupid rich, gives them a stupidly amazing life, that they can sit on their stupid rich person soapbox and preach their stupid out of touch politics….Garbage… The post Jennifer Lawrence Promoting Purses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Call me crazy, because I know people love this bitch because of her huge tits in True Detective, a show I’ve never seen….but I don’t find her hot… Her name, Alexandra Daddario, more than just tits…but not really…because when I look at her at the event, even showing her massive big titty bra…I’m like “whatever”…. Why do people give a fuck about this old, beat up face…with big tits…maybe she’s just another rich kid who through her rich kid connections and her rich kid allowance was able to fight her way into Hollywood, while the actual hot girls who weren’t rich, were either less egotistical and didn’t care about being famous, or they kept it local working bottle service, but weren’t investing into hyping themselves up like this one… She’s in some Kate Upton movie…two sets of fat tits…shes’ in Baywatch the next Generation movie…she’s got big tits…and she’s overrated…at some event..showing her bra… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here are her tits because they are more interesting than her face… The post Alexandra Daddario’s Bra of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I posted the RITA ORA nipple pics yesterday in a rush, I had important things to do, like not stare at a computer writing genius commentary about all these idiots that no one bothers reading because we are in a 6 second vine era…writing I’ve been doing for the last 12 years and not once have I been offered a book deal, a movie deal, a TV show deal, or really anything mainstream or commercial to make me feel like I’m a fucking genius…the highlight of my writing a website career besides being in Lohan’s hotel room with her, was seeing my jokes stolen in movies – many fucking times…but I don’t complain, no one cares enough to listen…. That said, I didn’t look close enough to the flashing tits, and realize that there is no way this bitch has little fucking nipples, she’s a doughy sloppy chick, and although her tits are big and heavy and round…the nipples aren’t this… The magazine’s only released the censored version…so keep the dreams alive that this porn hooker who pretends she’s Rihanna and a popstar…is actually stacked liked this..but her tits are big…we’ll give her that…I mean it’s the only reason anyone cares.. Here is a retrospective look at her best work…to compare to… We can assume in the next few hours the whore series will be released so we’ll know then and I’d say I’m excited because it’s news on a slow day in titty blogging..but who fucking cares really. Update – I just googled the pics which I probably should have done 5 minutes ago when I did this post and apparently, they are her nipples, iced the fuck up….pictures by Terry Richardson for LUI Magazine The post I Guess the Rita Ora Nipples for LUI are her Real Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I’m Paula, I’m 16 years old and I’m from Holland. Everyone is saying this, but I also never thought I could write my own Bieber Experience. Five years ago I saw this little boy on Youtube and I fell in love with him. Since then my only dream was to meet Justin Bieber. It all started in July 2012. There was an announcement that Justin would be coming to Holland. I was so excited because I couldn’t go to the My World Tour. I heard there was a pre-sale and I asked every American belieber if they had a code from Bieberfever because I wasn’t a member, and I got it. I ordered the tickets and I sat in section A row 11. My friends and I were so happy. A few months later there was another sale, with more M&G tickets. I asked my sister if she could buy them because I was in school and she got them! On April 13th it all went down. I made some new friends while I was waiting for the meet and greet to start. When I was in line, I saw a few people come out behind the curtains crying. I also started to cry when I saw them. Then it finally was my turn to go in. When I saw Justin he said “Hi” and smiled so cute, but I couldn’t say anything, I was literally in shock! When the photo was taken I wanted to ask for a hug, but sadly the security grabbed my arm and pushed me out of there. Besides that it was amazing even though it was so short! The concert was great. I still can’t believe I saw and touched him. I’m shaking while typing this. At first it may seem like a lot of money, but it’s TOTALLY worth it! I had the best time of my life. To you who haven’t met him yet, you will meet him someday, just believe like I did. -@xPaulaP Excerpt from: I’m Paula, I’m 16 years old and I’m from…
This is my Bieber Experience. I would never have imagined me writing this but here goes. Every time Justin came to London I would always go see him, even just to catch a glimpse or see his head poke out from the top of a car. I remember the first time I saw him, it was at Westfield Stratford and I saw him perform a few songs. I camped since 3 a.m. just too see him. I went to London a few times after that and only saw Justin’s head – which don’t get me wrong was amazing that I was still so close to him. But then on September 12th 2012, I finally met Justin and Alfredo, it was the most amazing day of my life. I didn’t expect it at all but I went too Capital FM, as people were saying Justin would be there, which was a rumor. A couple friends and I bumped into Nathan from The Wanted, he told us where Justin was staying. I was so excited because I knew it wasn’t a joke. I knew Justin was actually staying there. We travelled to the hotel and waited for 3-4 hours and Dan came out. He spoke to a few of us but had to leave as he was practicing for a performance. Then 30 minutes later Justin, Kenny, and Alfredo came out and there was about 20-30 girls there. Some girls all ran to Justin, so he ran back inside the hotel and Kenny was telling us to get behind the barriers . We all got behind the barriers and Justin and Alfredo came back out. Alfredo was filming and he stood right in front of us. I didn’t know what to say and he couldn’t take pictures as he was holding a huge camera so I said, “Alfredo can I touch you?” I probably sounded like a pervert I know but he held my hand. Justin was moving down the line closer to us and I took a photo with him, it all went so quickly but it was the best experience of my life. I couldn’t even believe it until an hour after. I rang my mum and I was speechless, she was speechless. Never give up, dream do come true. Two months after I met Justin he followed me on Twitter. I used to spend hours and hours tweeting him too follow me but I just simply tweeted him once saying, ‘I love you’ and he followed me. I didn’t expect it at all. An hour after Justin followed me, Alfredo followed me. It was another one of the best days of my life. I was so shocked and I was in school. Everyone was so happy for me and I had a smile on my face all day. NEVER SAY NEVER and BELIEVE because dreams DO come true. -Chelsey (@FredoAteMyOreos) See the original post: This is my Bieber Experience. I would never have imagined me…
Eva Longoria, who stumped for President Obama during the 2012 Presidential campaign, told Good Morning America: “I was in tears, first of all. I thought it would be a longer night. We were prepared. … I was so excited because we did work very hard for the campaign, but it just shows that the middle class won. Super PACs didn’t get to buy the election. They didn’t get to buy America.” Longoria sent out a photo of herself in tears after it was announced that Obama won the election. It’s a group
These are some pictures of Kate Perry at the ‘V Festival 2009′ at Weston Park the other day. I don’t know what this festival is but if I had to guess I would say that V stands for vagina