I don’t know…but something weird is going on with Ashley Benson, and that could just be whatever the fuck is going on with her hair, looking like she’s starting to lose it, either by the compulsion some girls have to pull out their own hair, I dated a girl like that and it was terrifying…or maybe she, like Selena Gomez is undergoing Chemoterapy, you know it’s all the Hollywood rage, up on some trendy milk it for press, it’s more interesting than vagina slips, you get more compassion or some shit…because this girl looks fucking horrible… I mean she’s skinnier than she was, which I guess is the upside of drug addiction, AIDS and cancer treatment. Always look on the bright side… But she looks fucking Horrible, not that she was ever that great, but she is famous and has fat tits, and that counts for something…or in her case everything…because when the tits aren’t out…all I see is a weirdly shaped monster… Maybe it’s just a false alarm…unless this isn’t her, because the girl in a bikini top with no defined chin, mocking wheelchair access to the pool….because they are spoiled rich cunts…who may be her…isn’t quite as vile to look at… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Does Ashley Benson Have Cancer because She Looks Disgusting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Does Ashley Benson Have Cancer because She Looks Disgusting of the Day