Tag Archives: comedy-right

Level Up SZN: The Most Slaylicious Post-F-BOY Glows In Hollyweird

Stunning Post-F-Boy Glow Ups Freshly single celebrity beauties are  slaying the universe , internet, Hollyweird (and everywhere else) with swoon-worthy post-f-boy glows that have inspired fed up women to get up, get out and get over their raggedy exes during Level Up SZN. Hit the flip for all the slaylicious post-f-boy glows melting Hollyweird. https://instagram.com/p/BTUeb1wgePD/ https://twitter.com/SOruthless_305/status/708066031202344960 https://instagram.com/p/BTkRPyLB3P0/ https://instagram.com/p/BTaPSNKA57o/ https://twitter.com/_dvddyshay/status/709817250958729216 https://instagram.com/p/BTS1yJdAR6b/ https://instagram.com/p/BSCmKL9FmZj/ https://twitter.com/JoeyPurps/status/859252124869419008 https://instagram.com/p/BTklwsKBSO_/?taken-by=nickiminaj https://twitter.com/maryjblige/status/859257832050438144 https://instagram.com/p/BK-ROE9jDAT/ https://instagram.com/p/BTdKh_jhE3H/?taken-by=therealmaryjblige https://instagram.com/p/BO8V7lWDdBo/

The rest is here:
Level Up SZN: The Most Slaylicious Post-F-BOY Glows In Hollyweird

RihRih Confirms Whether Or Not Miles Chamley-Watson Is Chopping Her Bajan Backs To Smithereens

Rihanna Is Not Dating Olympic Fencer Miles Chamley-Watson Last week we told you Rihanna had a good ol’ time with Olympic fencer Miles Chamley-Watson . Turns out Rihanna didn’t even know who he was before Monday: Pure comedy right?

See original here:
RihRih Confirms Whether Or Not Miles Chamley-Watson Is Chopping Her Bajan Backs To Smithereens