Tag Archives: confused-mess

Sheila Marquez in Harper’s Bazaar Spain 2011 Calendar of the Day

I have no idea who this Sheila Maquez bitch is, I just know she’s some Spanish model and she’s in some Harper’s Bazaar Spain Calendar, because I guess they don’t have computers, smartphones or anything else that made the calendar obsolete the last 5 years….. She is not showing her tits even though Europe is supposed to be all about the tits, leaving me in a confused mess…kinda like this assortment of pictures that I thought about putting in order but realized why the fuck would i waste my time doing that, I don’t really respect dates or times, but more importantly, even people who do don’t use them either, so I’m not sure what the point of this is….no tits, no point, but that’s just what I do here.

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Sheila Marquez in Harper’s Bazaar Spain 2011 Calendar of the Day