Tag Archives: really-respect

Anna Torv Nude for Esquire of the DAy

Anna Torv on some show called FRINGE that I have never seen or heard of….because I don’t care about this shit…she is from Australia….where she’s been famous for a while…and now she’s naked for Esquire….and that works for me…cuz getting naked for anyone is the only work I really respect or appreciate…that and charging dying people to save their lives…but only cuz that is serious evil…capitalist greed…I’ll save you if you pay me asshole moves you just have to respect when you hate society as a whole…

Anna Torv Nude for Esquire of the DAy

Nicole Richie and Jessica Simpson Feud

“I#39;ll tell you right now that that couldn#39;t be further from the truth,” Nicole Richie, 29, told Ryan Seacrest Thursday on his radio show, On Air With Ryan Seacrest. “I actually love and adore Jessica.” “I#39;ve known her for years, first of all, so I already knew who she was as a person,” Richie added. “Who she is is someone who#39;s very kind, very sweet and extremely smart and a great businesswoman and someone that I really respect … I actually couldn#39;t love someone or respect so

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Nicole Richie and Jessica Simpson Feud

Ashton Kutcher and Ellen DeGeneres

“It#39;s getting a lot of attention. So I just figured I’m going to do everything nu-de from now on,” Ashton Kutcher tells Ellen DeGeneres and then drops his robe. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Really?” the host responds. “Yeah. Whatever I’m doing I’m just going to do it nu-de,” Kutcher jokes. “Let#39;s do this. Ashton Kutcher can#39;t seem to keep his clothes on. First the actor stripped down for a Two and a Half Men billboard –and now he#39;s getting na-ked on The Ellen DeGeneres Sh

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Ashton Kutcher and Ellen DeGeneres

Ashley Tisdale in Leather Pants to Divert the Ugly Watch of the Day

Sometimes I like to sit on my computer and pretend I matter to useless cunts like Ashley Tisdale enough to make her change her hustle, step-up her game, and fix her ugly. Not because I want her to read the kind things I say about her, but because I think she needs to just step it up and stop being the boring cunt from High School musical in her mid-20s, who plays a teenager and who wins awards for being hot when there is little to nothing hot about her, other than the fact that she’s not fat and that she once had a lot of teenage fans….Sure awkward distorted faces that look accidented are cute on your own kids cuz you have no choice to love them…but when it comes to Hollywood, that just doesn’t cut it….so it is smart move for Tisdale to be rockin’ these leather pants…even if leather pants aren’t quite as fun as spreading twats….even if they are the key to making a twat hot since they don’t breathe…If you know what I mean.

See the original post here:
Ashley Tisdale in Leather Pants to Divert the Ugly Watch of the Day

Sheila Marquez in Harper’s Bazaar Spain 2011 Calendar of the Day

I have no idea who this Sheila Maquez bitch is, I just know she’s some Spanish model and she’s in some Harper’s Bazaar Spain Calendar, because I guess they don’t have computers, smartphones or anything else that made the calendar obsolete the last 5 years….. She is not showing her tits even though Europe is supposed to be all about the tits, leaving me in a confused mess…kinda like this assortment of pictures that I thought about putting in order but realized why the fuck would i waste my time doing that, I don’t really respect dates or times, but more importantly, even people who do don’t use them either, so I’m not sure what the point of this is….no tits, no point, but that’s just what I do here.

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Sheila Marquez in Harper’s Bazaar Spain 2011 Calendar of the Day

The Katy Cover Up Story

Singer Katy Perry has said her boyfriend Russell Brand would prefer her to be covered up when she presents the MTV Europe Music Awards instead of her usual raunchy outfits. Or maybe it’s just because she saw our pictures of him yesterday? The 25-year-old star will present the MTV Europe Music Awards on November 5 for the second year in a row.

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The Katy Cover Up Story