Tag Archives: stripped-down

Top Ten Sexiest 'The Good Wife' Actresses Nude

Last week marked the series finale of babe-filled series The Good Wife. Let’s celebrate the end of an era with a look at the actresses who have stripped down in their other projects! … read more

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Top Ten Sexiest 'The Good Wife' Actresses Nude

Lena Dunham bikini photos 2015

Lena Dunham showed the results of her discipline in the gym with her Instagram fans on Monday while clad in lingerie. She has said that regular exercise has helped improve her health and quell her anxiety. And Lena Dunham was delighted to show the results of her discipline in the gym with her Instagram fans on Monday. The 29-year-old stripped down to her lingerie and put her flesh on show for an inspirational photo and exuded confidence in her pose and in her words.

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Lena Dunham bikini photos 2015

Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez and Rita Ora Celebrate Booty at Fashion Rocks of the Day

Everyone is so excited by the fact that Bieber stripped down at the Fashion Rocks event, and by everyone I mean the host Ryan Seacrest, he lives for that little man’s body…it’s all part of being a creepy fucking homo who likes people who dance and make money… Well, it’s pretty clear that the real star of Fashion week this year, or at least the Fashion rocks party, or I guess the media and sexuality, is the BOOTY…it’s very instyle and 3 top starlets, who despite being talentless, or at least annoying about their success…brought out their booties, and I wasn’t there to capture the moment…but the internet was…so here… Here’s Rita Ora’s Booty Here’s J.Lo singing about booty… Here’s Nicki Minaj Shaking Her Booty #455091876 / gettyimages.com To See More Pics CLICK HERE

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Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez and Rita Ora Celebrate Booty at Fashion Rocks of the Day

Ariana Grande’s Acoustic Version Of ‘Problem’ Is What Heaven Sounds Like

Ariana performed a breath-taking, stripped down version of “Problem” tonight for a rapt audience.

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Ariana Grande’s Acoustic Version Of ‘Problem’ Is What Heaven Sounds Like

‘Teen Wolf’ Is Going Back To Its Roots For Season 4

The tagline for the upcoming “Teen Wolf” season is a very somber “Can’t go back,” but according to the cast, that’s exactly where the tone of the show is headed. “Season 4 so far is a lot like Season 1 was,” Dylan O’Brien says in the video below. “It’s sort of, like, stripped down from… Read more

‘Teen Wolf’ Is Going Back To Its Roots For Season 4

The tagline for the upcoming “Teen Wolf” season is a very somber “Can’t go back,” but according to the cast, that’s exactly where the tone of the show is headed. “Season 4 so far is a lot like Season 1 was,” Dylan O’Brien says in the video below. “It’s sort of, like, stripped down from… Read more

Jenna Malone Nude in a Music Video of the Day

I don’t really know all that much about Jenna Malone. I’ve heard the name before. I’ve POSTED HER NUDE ART FILM before…and now I am supporting her new video that she’s strategically naked in, because she stripped down and got strategically naked in it, which makes her worth listening to. I mean any girl who wants to be in the arts and thinks stripping down gets her point across, whether that art is striptease, or blow job, or anal…or whatever this sweet sound sad music that reminds me of a 90s suicide scene is….

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Jenna Malone Nude in a Music Video of the Day

TV Nudity Report: Banshee, Girls, Bitten [PICS]

It was the nudesual subjects on the boob tube this weekend, not that we’re complaining… First up, Ivana Milicevic is out of the slammer and getting back to slamming on Banshee . It’s hard time either way! Plus we got a nipply shot of Trieste Kelly Dunn in a thin tank top. Bonus! Over on Girls , Lena Dunham stripped down for two sex sessions with her on again, off again boyfriend. This after she delivered her pixilated parts as the host of Saturday Night Live this weekend. And on Bitten , werewolf Laura Vandervoort was humping again, but still covering up her nips with nude pasties. Aroooo! See pics after the jump!

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TV Nudity Report: Banshee, Girls, Bitten [PICS]

Happy Hump Day: The Sexiest Instagram Photos Of The Week

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It’s the middle of the week and what better way to celebrate Hump Day than getting a head start on your weekend Instagram stalking. We’ve…

Happy Hump Day: The Sexiest Instagram Photos Of The Week

Rihanna Goes Topless on Brazilian Beach [PHOTOS]

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Rihanna has made it known she has no problem with nudity. The Bajan pop star stripped down again and was photographed topless on a Brazilian…

Rihanna Goes Topless on Brazilian Beach [PHOTOS]