Guess this explains her “I have a lot of experience off camera” comment. Montana Fishburne, sex tape star and teenage daughter of The Matrix star Laurence Fishburne, was once arrested for prostitution, according to court documents. The Chippy D sex tape by Vivid Entertainment is causing quite a stir, with the latest wrinkle that its star was nabbed less than a year ago for selling her body. Then just 18, the youngster was arrested on a prostitution charge on November 25, 2009 in the Hollywood area and is still on probation from her conviction. Chippy D? More like chipping in for some … never mind . Montana Fishburne pleaded no contest and was sentenced to 104 hours toward the California beautification project, 15 days of community service, an AIDS test, STD education, plus two years probation – and that last part is where it gets tricky. As part of her probation, she must abide by these rules: “Do not offer to engage and do not engage in any form of sexual activity for money or any other consideration. Do not engage or offer to engage in any sexual activity in a public place or a place open to the public or exposed to public view.” Does the Montana Fishburne sex tape violate those terms? Or did she just find a loophole allowing her to make money through intercourse? Clever, if so …
The rest is here:
Montana Fishburne Used to Be a Prostitute