Tag Archives: conveyor-belt

Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age !

The melting from rising temperatures to the polar ice caps is indeed happening and the Atlantic conveyor belt that circulates warm water from the gulf stream in a 1,000 year cycle will cause the conveyor belt to shut down from all of the fresh water plunging into the northern Atlantic! added by: kennymotown

MIT’s Fleet Of Solar-Powered Oil-Cleaning Robots a Solution for Gulf Spill (Video)

Images via SENSEableCity MIT’s Sensable City Lab directo Carlo Ratti and associate director Assaf Biderman have come up with the SeaSwarm, a robot that uses nanofibers to absorb 20 times its weight in oil, and their hope is that it can be developed into a viable solution for cleaning up the Gulf oil disaster. The 7-foot-wide robots sport at 16-foot-long conveyor belt of paper-like nanofibers that absorb the oil, and are rotated through the machine where the oil is cleaned off. Skimming the surface of the water and powered by sunlight, the robot can continually collect oil. They estimate that … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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MIT’s Fleet Of Solar-Powered Oil-Cleaning Robots a Solution for Gulf Spill (Video)

Functional and Chic Conveyor Belt Briefcases (Photos)

Kazmok Re-use briefcase, “Principal” style. Image courtesy of Kasmok. We’ve seen recycled bags made from fire hoses , wetsuits , and even floppy disks . But conveyor belts, this one is new. From industrial product designer Dinand Stufkens comes Kazmok Re-use , a collection of durable goods, comprised of laptop sleeves, belts and briefcases… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Functional and Chic Conveyor Belt Briefcases (Photos)

Beyond the Conveyor Belt: Four More Ways to Mate Humans for Our Amusement

Did you watch Conveyor Belt of Love yesterday? It’s about one of those sushi restaurant things except instead of raw fish, it’s men

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Beyond the Conveyor Belt: Four More Ways to Mate Humans for Our Amusement