Tag Archives: cooze-closeups

Record Label Freaks Out Over Gashtastic, Fan-Made Music Video [VIDEO]

Did you ever do that thing where you draw a face on the side of your hand? That’s approximately the idea behind the video for indie rockers Jacuzzi Boys ‘ single Glazin’ …approximately. Only instead of hands, the faces are drawn on six female fans’ crotches, with their (there is no delicate way to put it) vaginas serving as the mouths for these oddly cute, mildly disturbing and utterly gashtastic puppets. The band maintains that the video was made by six anonymous female fans who call themselves The Jacuzzi Girls, and that althrough they didn’t solicit the video, being big fans of furburger they loved it: “This is so insane & beautiful… We’re speechless! This is hands down the coolest thing a fan has ever done…We’ll now call this the “official” video for Glazin’! It’s a masterpiece! “, they said in an email to the girls. Their record label Hardly Art wasn’t so enthusiastic, taking down the original video and re-posting it in a heavily censored form. But it wasn’t the fact that 90% of the video consists of cooze closeups that made them nervous- they cited “libel and copyright infringement” as the reason for cutting vaginal tributes to Fidel Castro , Homer Simpson, Jabba the Hut, Insane Clown Posse’s Violent J, LeBron James, and Ronald McDonald (yes, really) from the video. Luckily, they left behind plenty of poon for us to ogle (or maybe just stare at in slack-jawed disbelief), so check out the Glazin’ video after the jump!

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Record Label Freaks Out Over Gashtastic, Fan-Made Music Video [VIDEO]