Tag Archives: cormac mccarthy

Say What? Assessing the Vocal Ticks from True Grit

As our very own Dixon Gaines so accurately put it on Sunday , True Grit is “the compromise movie of households worldwide,” which is great news for those households — and Brooks Barnes — since the latest from the Coen Brothers is actually quite impressive. That is, if you can understand the dialogue, which is spoken through more grunts, lisps and slurs than your local pub at closing time. Or The King’s Speech . Ahead, Movieline attempts to discover just which True Grit cast member had the most arresting vocal tick.

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Say What? Assessing the Vocal Ticks from True Grit

James Franco Hopes to Direct Adaptations of William Faulkner and Cormac McCarthy

Looks like James Franco is starting 2011 like he ended 2010: With a loaded schedule of unexpected projects that he’s hoping to get off the ground. According to Roger Friedman , Franco is planning to direct an adaptation of William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying from his own screenplay. Additionally, he’s also interested in adapting Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian , which you’ll recall was one of the movies Ridley Scott was never going to direct . Expect Franco to squeeze these in when he isn’t hosting the Oscars, starring on General Hospital , going to class and doing press for Your Highness . [ Showbiz411 ]

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James Franco Hopes to Direct Adaptations of William Faulkner and Cormac McCarthy