Tag Archives: cosmo-pictures

Vanessa Hudgens Vs. Stella Hudgens: Who Wore The Short Shorts Better?

Here’s Vanessa Hudgens and her younger sister Stella out showing off their short shorts on the way to the gym. But Vanessa clearly wins this matchup — since Stella’s instantly disqualified for being under 18. Same as she is from gambling, or buying cigarettes, or voting. Wait a few more years and maybe this sibling rivalry will be a fair fight. P.S. If you said the woman in the middle instead, you need help. Perv. Related Articles: Vanessa Hudgens’ Got Little Cleavage Vanessa Hudgens Sex Tape? Vanessa Hudgens In A See Through Top Vanessa Hudgens Is A Sexy Beast Photos: FameFlynet

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Vanessa Hudgens Vs. Stella Hudgens: Who Wore The Short Shorts Better?

Kate Upton Fill Outs The Pages Of Cosmo

Here is a super hot Kate Upton video for Cosmo magazine. I don’t know why they bother asking her questions because I couldn’t care less about her personal life, and it’s not like women are actually going to watch this video. They may call it a “fashion shoot” but we all know what it’s really intended for. Sneaky! Anyway, when can I buy this issue?