Tag Archives: cosplay gallery

Reeking Justice: Nicolas Cage Suffers Worst Opening of His Career

St. Patrick’s Day was not exactly lucky for Nicolas Cage, whose aromatic new thriller Seeking Justice bowed in 231 theaters to a gravely underwhelming $260,000 . That would make for a per-screen average of $1,125 and change — by far the worst opening of Cage’s 30-year career. The PSA “beats” that of last year’s little-seen disaster Trespass , which nabbed $1,682 in 10 theaters. (N.B. That one remains co-star Nicole Kidman’s worst-ever opening.) Were it not for the comic-book sequel he recently debuted to $22,000,000, we might be spending this afternoon eulogizing Cage’s movie-star status

WonderCon Cosplay Gallery: Superheroes, They’re Just Like Us!

Amid the hustle and bustle of last weekend’s WonderCon , Movieline’s camera caught the assorted superheroes walking among us giving into those utterly human moments we all share: There was Supergirl seeking respite from the chaos in the powder room; Silk Spectre tagging that one Jedi padawan on Facebook; even that rascally Deadpool photobombing Body-Paint Batman as he posed for a paparazzi shot on the convention floor. After the jump, browse Movieline’s gallery for these and more moments at WonderCon that remind us that beneath the superpowers and spandex and tights, superheroes — like celebrities — really are just like us. Click to launch the gallery Superheroes, They’re Just Like Us Read more from WonderCon 2012. [Photo credit: Movieline]

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WonderCon Cosplay Gallery: Superheroes, They’re Just Like Us!