Tag Archives: couple-remains

Nike Gold Digging Shirt: Sexist or Harmless Fun?

Nike, the official outfitter for the London Olympics, is taking some heat for one of its new t-shirts, emblazoned with the phrase “Gold Digging.” Clever, harmless play on words? Not in the eyes of everyone. Since the shirt’s only available for women, many fashion bloggers and Twitter believe it’s sexist, that aparently only female Olympians are gold diggers. On one hand, people seriously get offended way too easily about the smallest stuff. On the flip side, Nike could’ve come up with a more positive phrase. “Golden Girl,” “Reach for the Gold,” “Go for the Gold,” “Good as Gold” … all of those get the point across, without implying you’re out for a man’s money. You gotta give women respect. Considering that the U.S. women took won twice as many gold medals as the men in London, they certainly earned ours. Still, it’s just a t-shirt we’re talking about. Is it really worth making this into an issue? Tell us: What do you think of this Nike “Gold Digging” shirt?

Nike Gold Digging Shirt: Sexist or Harmless Fun?

Teresa Giudice Threatens to Divorce Husband

SPOILER ALERT: On this Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey , Joe Giudice refers to his wife as a “bitch” and a “c-nt.” Really. It’s all caught on tape, as Joe takes a phone call and is overheard saying very bad things about Teresa Giudice . Considering these actions actually took place months ago, of course, we know the couple remains together and no proof of infidelity has been uncovered. But if it ever is, Teresa tells In Touch … … “I will not be with him. I will totally leave him.” The reality star adds that she is “not stupid,” which is evident by the fact that she’s banked millions by spilling details of her personal life to magazines across the country. Teresa adds that she warned Joe to never use such language around her or about her again, but also says: “I can’t defend him on this. I’m hurt and disappointed by him… [yet] we’ll get past this. We have to.” Pssst, Joe, take our advice: apologize to Teresa via the cover of a supermarket tabloid. She’s all about that .

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Teresa Giudice Threatens to Divorce Husband