Justin Bieber is apparently All About That Bass. The musical superstar has put his own touch on Meghan Trainor’s massive hit, coming out with a remixed version that brings the pop single into a whole new genre. Bieber also changes some of the lyrics, as you’ll hear below: Justin Bieber – “All About That Bass,” The Remix “I’m all about that bass, no treble,” sings Bieber above. “We gonna take it to a whole ‘nother level … We know that sh-t ain’t real. We know it’s Photoshopped.” You heard the man, Selena Gomez ! You better go get one of those Kim Kardashian butt lifts if you wish to keep Justin happy. Your current booty is simply too small for someone who is, admittedly, all about one’s bass. If you know what he means! Trainor’s track has exploded online, hitting the top of many charts and spawning some impressive covers. It’s also led to this AMAZING dance routine by a 11-year old girl and this awesome duet by a father and his daughter. Check both out now: Dad and Daughter Dance to “All About the Bass” 11-Year Old Dances to “All About That Bass” Sorry, The Biebs. But we’ll take either of these over your remix. As for the celebrity “bass” that we’d take above all others? That’s a tough question. But take a few moments to cycle through the following gallery and attempt to answer it now: 28 Best Celebrity Butts: Badonkadonk Bonanza! 1. Kesha Hey, it’s Ke$ha! And there is Ke$ha’s butt! The singer is anything but shy in this Twit pic.
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Justin Bieber Remixes All About That Bass: Love It or Hate It?