Tag Archives: cover-as-much

Justin Bieber – As Long As You Love Me ( Dylan Holland Acoustic Cover)


Hey guys i know its been awhile, i always put myself into these situations haha. It looks like im playing guitar left handed, but my camera is backwards so i thought id clear that up. I hope you guys like this cover as much as i enjoy singing it! Thanks a million! Twitter – @TheDylanHolland http://www.youtube.com/v/639AY8tQGaI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Visit link: Justin Bieber – As Long As You Love Me ( Dylan Holland Acoustic Cover)

Justin Bieber – As Long As You Love Me ( Dylan Holland Acoustic Cover)

Josh Brolin Does Stepfathering Right of the Day

Since the site is called DrunkenStepfather and was originally a semi-anonymous site about lusting over my stepdaughters because they were pretty much 18 and not my own kids, they lived with me and ran around naked like they were my own kids, they’d tan topless and I’d overhear them talking about getting off with guys, but instead of being part of that, I was stuck with their fat, useless mother who caused me more grief than I ever expected, but also provided for me with this lavish lifestyle of a one-room apartment cuz her pig-self thinks it’s okay to go on disability for her diabetes, sleep apnea, inability to walk….and I think it’s okay to ride that shit to the top…. So as a tribute to the man I used to be, I like to cover as much stepparenting that comes my way, and here’s Josh Brolin at an event escorted by his stepdaughter I can assume he wants to fuck, cuz I know I want to fuck her, but after a few drinks, he could be escorting a donkey out to pasture and I’d have a fucking boner, not cuz I know who Josh Brolin is or because I’m his best fan ever, but because anything is better than the hell I am living… But enough about me, here are the pics. Sure, they may not be hot on the surface, but what’s going on behind the scenes is…

The rest is here:
Josh Brolin Does Stepfathering Right of the Day