Tag Archives: crap-the-other

Joanna Krupa’s Hot Friend and Ice Cream Maker Jacqueline Suzanne

If you don’t know who this Jacqueline Suzanne chick is, you’re about to find out. I posted some shots of Joanna Krupa picking up dog crap the other day and Jacqueline was standing next to her stealing the show, so we’ve been in touch and I decided she deserved her own post. She’s an entrepreneur, she owns her own sexy ice cream truck down in Miami with stripper poles on the roof – check out her Facebook page

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Joanna Krupa’s Hot Friend and Ice Cream Maker Jacqueline Suzanne

Joanna Krupa’s Hot Friend and Ice Cream Maker Jacqueline Suzanne

If you don’t know who this Jacqueline Suzanne chick is, you’re about to find out. I posted some shots of Joanna Krupa picking up dog crap the other day and Jacqueline was standing next to her stealing the show, so we’ve been in touch and I decided she deserved her own post. She’s an entrepreneur, she owns her own sexy ice cream truck down in Miami with stripper poles on the roof – check out her Facebook page

Continued here:
Joanna Krupa’s Hot Friend and Ice Cream Maker Jacqueline Suzanne

Katy Perry’s Confusing Cleavage

This looks about right, Katy Perry dressed as a complete moron for some Christmas crap the other day. The girl can make herself so unattractive sometimes, it’s pretty amazing. Was a stupid mustache disguise really necessary? I get that she’s supposed to be dressed up as a Toy Soldier and wants to be as authentic as possible, I guess women aren’t allowed to serve in the Toy Armed Forces just yet, but I think the fat hipster boobs are a dead give away.