Tag Archives: cream-travels

Human Activity May Have Boosted Palau Shellfish Size

photo: Wikimedia Commons A new study in the Journal of Archaeological Science shows there are exceptions to the conventional eco-wisdom that increased human activity always spells harm for animals: Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered that the size of one mollusk, that’s been a food source for Pacific Islanders for thousands of years, has increased in size in conjunction with human population growth. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Human Activity May Have Boosted Palau Shellfish Size

‘Local’ Cream Travels 340 Miles to End on its Own Doorstep

Image credit: Roddas From the very beginning, TreeHugger has been a huge advocate for local food . Ever since Time Magazine declared that local food was going mainstream back in 2007, there’s been a steady stream of retailers and restaurateurs getting in on the locavore bandwagon . Heck, we even have

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‘Local’ Cream Travels 340 Miles to End on its Own Doorstep