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Paris Hilton in Flowers For Valentines of the Day

I guess Paris Hilton hasn’t been taken out back and shot like Old Yeller, you know the old bitch that served her time as an irrelevant rich girl, who was bright in her marketing, but her persona made women out to be these vapid, materialistic, half retards who spoke in baby talk, and sexualized themselves as sex workers, in sex tapes, to polarize and make millions with…leading to a generation of retards…creating the devil Kim Kardashian, that has created three more generations of retards…the legacy on the world is evil…and for that…I hate Paris Hilton…she’s also blocked me on social media for no reason and that’s just mean…how can I comment and befriend her fans…leaving me out of her party….EVIL… The post Paris Hilton in Flowers For Valentines of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paris Hilton in Flowers For Valentines of the Day