Tag Archives: creative underclass

Scoring Sunday’s Nuptials: The Power Creatives Who Have It All [Vows]

The New York Times announces the weddings. Phyllis Nefler pits the couples against each other in that weekly battle royale we call Altarcations. This week: Creative class cage match and a Real Housewives cameo. More

The Plight of Print’s Lucky Ones

Lest they offend their many laid off friends, anyone who’s kept their job in print media will tell you the’re one of “the lucky ones.” But privately, survivors talk of the malaise sweeping medialand. This is one of them. Our correspondent, who’s bounced between magazines and newspapers for about five years now, is glad to have a job, obviously — and is staying anonymous in hopes of keeping it

See the rest here:
The Plight of Print’s Lucky Ones

Homelessness Now an Edge in Elle Internships

A homeless woman has landed a (coveted?) four-month internship with Elle magazine, proving that unemployed journalists need only fall a *little* farther to get “back in the game.” “Bri” (pictured, eyes) is a homeless blogger currently living in a car in a Wal-Mart parking lot. She wrote a letter to Elle columnist E.

See the original post:
Homelessness Now an Edge in Elle Internships