Tag Archives: creatures-said

Two Chupacabra’s Shot In North Texas…”It Was Ugly, Real Ugly.” (CHUPACABRA VIDEO)

Chupacabra, Mysterious Animal, Allegedly SPOTTED In Texas 7-14-2010 Huffingtonpost.com Chupacabras, literally “goat suckers,” are legendary creatures said to roam Mexico, Puerto Rico and parts of the United States. Once called the “Bigfoot of Latino culture,” there have been many stories about these unidentified animals. Chupacabras are said to kill livestock and tear them to pieces; they are often portrayed as a cross between a dog and a wolf. Two Chupacabra’s Shot In North Texas…”It Was Ugly, Real Ugly.” (CHUPACABRA VIDEO)… http://ctpatriot1970.wordpress.com/2010/07/14/chupacabra-video/ Animal Control Office Frank Hackett described the animal involved in the most recent sightings: “All I know is, it wasn’t normal. It was ugly, real ugly. I’m not going to tell no lie on that one.” added by: ctpatriot1970