Tag Archives: currently-too

Kendall Jenner’s Sweet Booty At Coachella

So Kendall Jenner was back at it at Coachella again this weekend, only this time she was putting on a serious booty show for the fans. And now I’m wishing I had gotten over my phobia of hipsters and been there too. Not because I care or know who any of the big-name acts were at the fest this year or anything. This is the only show I really wouldn’t have wanted to miss. Yow. Oh well, maybe next year. » view all 12 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Kendall Jenner’s Sweet Booty At Coachella

Laura Vandervoort Does Cliche Magazine

Here’s one for all you nerds out there, since Kaley Cuoco is currently too busy crushing your dreams: Laura Vandervoort dropping some serious hotness for a new fashion shoot for something called Cliche Magazine . Anyway, I’m sure you’re all very disappointed that Laura’s wearing real clothes here instead of nothing but a pair of Superman underoos. And you know what? For once, I agree with you. » view all 12 photos

Laura Vandervoort Does Cliche Magazine