Tag Archives: cutest-video

Kittens Watch Tennis, Cause Internet to Collectively Melt

When do two grunting women smacking a ball back and forth become the cutest video you’ll see all month? When those two grunting women are watched by a pair of adorable kittens. With respect to Serena Williams, Roger Federer and the beauty of professional tennis, the focus of the following clip is on the pets viewing this impressive sport, as they sit mesmerized by the action in front of them… Cats Watch Tennis

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Kittens Watch Tennis, Cause Internet to Collectively Melt

What’s Inside A Slim Jim?

FOOD BUZZ : Wired breaks it down. Jerky lovers will be pleased to learn that the ingredients include mechanically separated chicken, which, FYI, looks like this

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What’s Inside A Slim Jim?

The Most Adorable Poop Ever

The cutest video of a little kid showing off his poop you'll ever see.

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The Most Adorable Poop Ever