Tag Archives: cutting-costs

Teen Mom OG Renewed For Another Season: Who Almost Got Fired?

Well, it's official. Despite a ratings free fall that really became worrisome after Farrah Abraham got fired from the show, Teen Mom OG will be returning to MTV for an eighth season. The Ashley's Reality Roundup confirms that the network reached a deal with the show's stars after an unusually lengthy round of negotiations. Perhaps Amber Portwood and company are unaware of the desperate ratings situation. Someone may want to inform them that if the opportunity to re-sign again next year should arise, they probably don't want to push their luck. Check out all the details on the surprise renewal and the tense negotiations below: 1. The OGs Are Back! While the addition of Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd didn’t prove to be the ratings boon producers had hoped (and served to make the “OG” title wildly inappropriate) the controversial series will be returning to MTV later this year. 2. Finally! “Everyone has finally signed their contracts, and things are up and running,” a source close to the situation tells The Ashley. 3. Tense Negotiations Yes, the entire cast is returning, which is surprising for a number of reasons. 4. Cutting Costs For one thing, as we mentioned, Bristol and Cheyenne failed to boost ratings, so many assumed they would be cut from the cast if the show returned for another season. 5. Expensive Talent Bristol, in particular, was rumored to be on the chopping block, as she got paid more than any of the other moms in her first season. 6. Another Go But both she and Cheyenne will get at least one more season on the once-wildly popular series. And they’re not the only ones whose returns were in doubt. View Slideshow

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Teen Mom OG Renewed For Another Season: Who Almost Got Fired?