Tag Archives: cyrus-pictures

Selena Gomez Does InStyle Good

I know I’ve made fun of Selena Gomez and her “music” “career” in the past, but ever since she dropped her newest single, we’ve been getting practically a nonstop string of hotness from the wannabe pop star. Like this latest photoshoot she did for InStyle . So now I’m thinking Selena needs to get back in the studio ASAP so she can keep this hot streak going. Well, as soon as she’s done in the pool , of course.

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Selena Gomez Does InStyle Good

More Miley Cyrus As A Sexy Cowgirl In Cosmo

Yesterday, I had video from Miley Cyrus ‘ shoot for the September issue of Cosmopolitan , but today I’ve got the rest of the pictures for you below. Including one of Miley in some seriously short Daisy Dukes. And you know, I take it all back. If this is how she’s going to dress, maybe Miley going country isn’t such a bad thing after all. Enjoy!

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More Miley Cyrus As A Sexy Cowgirl In Cosmo

Bella “One Face” Hadid Loves Herself Fake Modeling Career

I guess Bella Hadid can’t believe she’s a real model with an actual New York City billboard either, because here she is posing in front of her own Calvin Klein poster in NY. And as lame as that is, there’s two good reasons why I can’t make fun of her for it: 1) I’m a big fan of Bella’s topless modeling too, and 2) I’m a little distracted by the serious case of nippleitis she seems to have come down with. If you ask me, she needs to go see a doctor blogger ASAP. Continue reading

Miley Cyrus Is On The Voice. Needs To Bring Back The Tongue!

I just realized why Miley Cyrus hasn’t been doing any of her usual naked photoshoots or sexy tongue action recently… I’m pretty sure that now that she’s a judge on The Voice , people must be telling her she has to settle down and behave. And that’s total BS, as far as I’m concerned. I mean, c’mon. What do you think is going to get better ratings: this lame promotional photoshoot where Miley’s all covered up or this one where she’s licking the floor while topless ? I rest my case. Continue reading