Tag Archives: dainty-demeanor

Lucy Collett Polka Dot Bikini of the Day

The quality of girls the UK seem to celebrate, just cuz they are willing to get naked…or topless…is totally fucking questionable…reminding me that annyone with that kind of accent and dainty demeanor is probably the poofter you’d expect them to be….one that must keep up appearances, because being British is very regal and there’s a certain class you must exude, one that Amy Winehouse showed the world, god bless her soul….making the average Poofter -Prince Charles themeselves and just stick to trannys cuz it’s more decent….so looking at this Page 3 pig…just confirms that theory I’ve been working on the last 4 mintues…and here are her tits…

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Lucy Collett Polka Dot Bikini of the Day