My name is Alyssa, I’m 15 years old girl and I live in Indonesia. April 23rd, 2011 was the date Justin made my dream came true. I went to his concert with my mom, my sister and my brother. I was sat in the red seats, row 2. When Justin started sang OLLG, a woman named Carin brought me into the backstage area. I was like, “What’s happening?” She said “because you’re the OLLG” I was speechless and started to cry. I met Kenny, Scooter, and Alfredo as well. After I waited a while, one of Justin’s dancers brought me on stage, all I could did was cry but I was so happy. Justin gave me a roses, wiped my tears and the end of the song, he hugged me tight. He smells was so good. I couldn’t believe it was already happening. Carin brought me back to my seat. I couldn’t thank you enough, Justin thanks for letting me to be your one less lonely girl. I love you to death and I want you to know that my dream came true. Keep praying to God. I know you’ll will have your own Bieber Experience! Much love -@alyssadaguise Here’s the video when I was the OLLG Read this article: My name is Alyssa, I’m 15 years old girl and I live in…
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My name is Alyssa, I’m 15 years old girl and I live in…