Tag Archives: dancing-photo

Katie Holmes by Randall Slavin of the Day

I am pretty sure that Randall Slavin has shot for Victoria’s Secret, but who really cares about the people who shoot for Victoira’s Secret, because Victoria’s Secret is a fucking scam and all their pictures are standardized and boring, and make me think any technician briefed on what they want, and who has any perspective on their last 2 decades of work, will be able to recreate it like a dancing photo taking monkey…but I guess they pay well.. That said, he shot these pics of Katie Holmes, that remind me that Katie Holmes, despite being knocked up by Tom Cruise in some Rosemary’s baby situation in the lab using alien sperm, is semi-human, because she’s aging…unless it is just a product of the radiation from space during her travels into enlightenment only rich people are privy to. You know some robot skin melting shit…because it didn’t factor in earth’s ozone layer when it was created on a far away planet….becauase she looks 50 and is still in her 30s…and that freaks me the fuck out… Here are the pics for whatever the fuck this is…

The rest is here:
Katie Holmes by Randall Slavin of the Day