Kiera Wilmot, a 16-year old at Bartow High School in Florida, was expelled from school this week and now faces two felony charges after her what classmates have labeled a “science project gone bad.” According to WTSP, Wilmot was mixing household chemicals in an eight-ounce water bottle Monday morning when the bottle’s top flew off and a mini explosion occurred. No one was hurt the blast. But the police soon arrived and charged the teenager with possession/discharge of a weapon on school grounds and discharging a destructive device. She was actually handcuffed and taken to a juvenile assessment center. Wilmot’s teacher says she never assigned her student this experiment, though principal Ron Pritchard is standing up for Wilmot. “She wanted to see what would happen [when the chemicals mixed] and was shocked by what it did,” he said, adding: “Honestly, I don’t think she meant to ever hurt anyone.” Still, the school district said it was forced to uphold its “code of conduct” and Kiera must now complete her diploma through an expulsion program.
Originally posted here:
Florida Teen Charged with Weapon-Related Felonies Due to Science Project Mishap