Childish Gambino is a rapper who’s starting to make some noise with “Bonfire,” but he’s also an actor (Donald Glover) from Atlanta seen weekly on the NBC sitcom “Community.” Take a listen to “Bonfire” to find out why Childish Gambino’s building a buzz. And look out for his album “Camp,” which drops on November 15th. RELATED POST: Hip-Hop And R&B Album Release Dates Bonfire by Childish Gambino
Troy Davis was laid to rest on Saturday (October 1st) at Jonesville Baptist Church in his hometown of Savannah, GA. Over 1,000 attended his funeral, including NAACP National President Ben Jealous, comedian and activist Dick Gregory and gospel artist Deitrick Haddon. Rev. Raphael Warnock of Atlanta’s historic Ebenezer Baptist Church also spoke during the service. Check out coverage of the funeral from MSNBC below: Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy RELATED: Michael Moore Calls For Boycott Of Georgia Over Troy Davis Execution Killer Mike Goes In At Troy Davis Rally! [VIDEO] Troy Davis Executed Big Boi & Killer Mike Protest Troy Davis Execution [VIDEO]
Filmmaker Michael Moore is calling for an economic boycott of Georgia over last week’s execution of Troy Anthony Davis. “I encourage everyone I know to never travel to Georgia, never buy anything made in Georgia, [and] to never do business in Georgia,” Moore said on his website this week. The award winning filmmaker and author is even threatening to pull all his books from stores in Georgia. Read more at the . RELATED: Killer Mike Goes In At Troy Davis Rally! [VIDEO] Troy Davis Executed Big Boi & Killer Mike Protest Troy Davis Execution [VIDEO] After #TroyDavis, Then What? A Message From Troy Davis