Tag Archives: dealing-heroin

January Jones in a Weird See Through Dress of the Day

January Jones wore see through dress on Memorial day, showing off her mom panties to the world, not that the world is watching, or even know who January Jones is, but those of us who do, know that she is a mom… But not a normal mom or the kind of girl who things that just because she is a mom, means she wears mom panties, and if anything, she had her baby out of wedlock to raise on her egotistical “I don’t need a man”…got knocked up in a one night stand like an asexual, lesbian, “independent women”…which from my perspective is slutty behavior and poor family planning, the kind that leads to future spoiled brat coke dealing heroin using criminals… You see because even when one-night stand pregnancy is strategic…it’s naughty behavior….leading me to think she’s more of a skimpier underwear wearer…you know the kind you get at the sex shop when buying your vibrator, with no crotch so when it is easier access when you let some stranger cum inside you never to be seen again… In conclusion, this is her bikini. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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January Jones in a Weird See Through Dress of the Day