Tag Archives: debate-on-race

Transracial Babies: Rachel Dolezal Says She’s Toting A Gut Full Of Faux Blackness

Rachel Dolezal Reveals That She Is Pregnant Rachel Dolezal has laid low out of the spotlight for the better part of the last two months. But now, she’s surreptitiously revealing that she is carrying a gut full of transraciality on her instagram page. Via MailOnline : Race faker Rachel Dolezal announced in a social media post that she is expecting a baby boy. The 37-year-old former Spokane, Washington NAACP official claims in a post on her private Instagram account that she is pregnant, according to the New York Daily News. ‘One of my sons is a grown-man at 21, one thinks he’s grown at 13, and another one is still cooking,’ the now-deleted post read. Dolezal, who still insists she is black six weeks after she was publicly outed by her parents as white, described herself as a ‘mean momma bear’ in the post. ‘They are all three my precious beloved babies, and I am a mean momma bear if anyone gets between me & my cubs!’ the post read, which was alongside a picture of a bear standing over three cubs. Her post did not mention how far along her pregnancy was or information regarding the possible child’s father, according to the New York Daily News. The divorced civil rights activist, who sparked a national debate on race, has one known biological child, Franklin, and took in her adopted 21-year-old brother, Izaiah, and started bringing him up as her son. Dolezal has no black relatives dating back to 1671, an investigation by Daily Mail Online earlier revealed. However, she continues to describe herself as black and claims she ‘didn’t deceive anybody’. Instead, she says that it was the public’s definition of race that was to blame for the confusion. Man, what the hell??? It’s something else with this fake Black chick every other day…

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Transracial Babies: Rachel Dolezal Says She’s Toting A Gut Full Of Faux Blackness