Tag Archives: debra-nelson

George Zimmerman’s Defense Granted Access To Trayvon’s School Records!

This is prob the lowest blow Zimmerman and his crew have made to date! Showing us he’s willing to do pretty much anything, George’s racial-profiling azz is going to question Trayvon’s character by using his school and SOCIAL MEDIA records in court. SMH According to CNN : A Florida judge has ruled that Trayvon Martin’s school and social media records can be handed over to the defense team of his alleged killer, George Zimmerman, despite the efforts of the slain 17-year-old’s family to keep the information private. The decision, made Friday afternoon by Circuit Judge Debra Nelson, could prompt the Miami-area schools Martin attended to provide documents that may include his grades, attendance and any disciplinary action. But Nelson also ruled that Zimmerman’s medical records must be given to prosecutors, though she stipulated that she must first review the material to determine if anything should be removed. The decisions came just hours after Martin’s father made a plea to the court not to disclose his son’s records. “I think it’s wrong that we attack the victim,” said Tracy Martin. “Our first priority shouldn’t be to assassinate the character of the victims and make dead children seem as though they’re the perpetrator.” If you were on trial, would you try to dig up dirt too or would you be able to respect that the young man you ‘accidentally’ killed can’t defend himself? Images via twitter

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George Zimmerman’s Defense Granted Access To Trayvon’s School Records!