Tag Archives: defying

Ben Seewald: Defying the Duggars & Supporting Colin Kaepernick?

As you’ve probably heard, San Francisco 49ers quarterback  Colin Kaepernick has been kneeling for the national anthem prior to his team’s games as a means of protesting police violence against people of color. Though the spirit of his protest quickly spread to throughout the NFL and is now impacting other sports , Kaepernick’s decision has been unpopular with some fans, particularly folks with more right-wing political leanings – like the members of the Duggar family. But now it looks like one Duggar insider might be breaking with the rest of the Counting On clan when it comes to matters related to Kaepernick, the police, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Ben Seewald doesn’t have a reputation as the most socially conscious reality star on television, but it seems that the 21-year-old has been affected by the recent wave of fatal shootings perpetrated by police officers. Sources close to the family say that the husband of Jessa Duggar has broken with his in-laws by expressing support for Kaepernick and concern for the communities that have been affected by police violence. Seewald has mostly kept these views from fans, but he’s also given subtle indications on social media that he’s more left-leaning in his political beliefs than the ultra-conservative Duggars: Earlier this week, Ben re-tweeted evangelical preacher Russell Moore, who stated that “the situation has to change” regarding police violence toward African-Americans. And it’s far from the first time that Ben has demonstrated an awareness of the problem of systemic racism in America. Ben Seewald on Racial Unrest That’s Ben interviewing the rapper Flame about protests and police violence earlier this year. Seewald admits that he knows little about the subject, but expresses a willingness to learn, which is certainly a step in the right direction. Ben seems to be a political centrist on social issues, but his moderate beliefs put him far to the left of his famous in-laws. And not surprisingly, they’ve earned him condemnation from the family’s evangelical fans. Earlier this month, Seewald posted a photo of President Obama on his Instagram page with the following caption: “Be in prayer for president Obama: ‘Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. “‘For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.'” Naturally, his comments section exploded in criticism, with numerous followers declaring their intention to stop following Ben on social media and boycott his family’s show. Ben responded with a biblical clapback: “Before calling a leader (or anyone else) by a derogatory term, consider this: ‘Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.’ – 1 Peter 2:17.” Pretty enlightened stuff, especially coming from a member of the Duggar clan. Of course, this is the same guy who once blamed racism on evolution , so he still has a long way to go. Anyway, one member of the extended Duggar-verse who likely won’t be sitting next to Ben this Thanksgiving is Jill Duggar’s mother-in-law, Cathy Dillard, who recently tweeted: “Not watching NFL, till they fire those who refuse to honor this country. No McDonalds either! @NFL @McDonalds – I will miss McDonalds. ” No word on what McDonald’s has to do with any of this.

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Ben Seewald: Defying the Duggars & Supporting Colin Kaepernick?

Ashley Olsen’s Public Display of Emotion

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Olsen Twins Defying the Olsen Twin Vacant Stare Code of Stoic Conduct, Ashley Olsen actually showed some human-like behavior and hugged boyfriend Justin Bartha after arriving to LAX last night.No doubt Mary-Kate will have no feeling either way about this.

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Ashley Olsen’s Public Display of Emotion