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Stars Tweet Surprise, Sadness Over Sherman Hemsley Passing

Sherman Hemsley , the lovable former star of The Jeffersons , passed away at the age of 74 today. And in response a number of celebrities have Tweeted their condolence and sent their sympathies… Russell Simmons : “RIP Sherman Hemsley aka George Jefferson. rest peacefully in the de-luxe apartment in the sky…” Nicki Minaj : “Wow. Sending LOVE” Alyssa Milano : “Rest in Peace (in a delux apartment in the sky), Sherman Hemsley.” Holly Robinson Peete : “Sherman Helmsley was a pioneer in TV-feel blessed to have known and worked with him… Well Done. Rest With Angels Sherman …” Terrell Owens : RIP Sherman Hemsley!! I grew up watching the Jeffersons as many of us did & he along w/that cast will be one to be remembered. #RIPGeorge” Josh Duhamel : “RIP Sherman Hemsley. #MovinOnUp to heaven now.” KevinSmith : “G’bye, Sherman Hemsley. Your George Jefferson was so beloved, it earned you your own successful sitcom! Huge bucket of win! Move on up, sir.” Jeffrey Ross : “Sherman Helmsley moved on up. Roast in peace, funny man.”

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Stars Tweet Surprise, Sadness Over Sherman Hemsley Passing