Tag Archives: developed

Repeal The Drinking Age

Somehow, and no one seems to even imagine how, this country managed to survive and thrive before 1984 without a national minimum drinking age. Before that, the drinking question was left to the states. In the 19th century, and looking back even before — prepare yourself to imagine horrific anarchistic nightmares — there were no drinking laws anywhere, so far as anyone can tell. The regulation of drinking and age was left to society, which is to say families, churches, and communities with varying sensibilities who regulated such things with varying degrees of intensity. Probably some kids drank themselves silly — and we all know that this doesn't happen now (wink, wink) — but many others learned to drink responsibly from an early age, even drinking bourbon for breakfast. Really, it is only because we are somehow used to it that we accept the complete absurdity of a national law that prohibits the sale of beer, wine, and liquor to anyone under the age of 21. This is a restriction unknown in the developed world. Most countries set 18 as the limit, and countries like Germany and Austria allow 16-year-olds to buy wine and beer. In the home of the brave, the police are busting up teen parties, shutting down bars, hectoring restaurants, fining convenience stores, and otherwise bullying people into clean living. We read….. http://mises.org/daily/4559 added by: shanklinmike

Warwick Mall Flood Pictures from the Rhode Island Flood (RI)

The pictures from the Warwick Mall Flood are simply devastating. These pictures make Rhode Island in the developed country of the United States look like a third world country. The floods remind me of the recent devastating floods in Asia. Places like the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and more were hit by powerful rains and typhoons and eventually got engulfed in the flood waters. Though no one was expecting this to happen to the USA. We had our pre-shock with New Orleans when Katrina hit. Now looking at these pics from the Rhode Island Flood, it is quite shocking to see it happen again. Please help the people from Rhode Island rebuild. It may take time but with help from everyone, they are sure to recover from this flood. There are info and more pics and videos from this flood. Most especially from the Warwick Mall Flood Pictures from the Rhode Island Flood incident. We all need to be aware of this. Rescues are stil being made from the Rhode Island Flood. It is reported that there are still people trapped in the RI Warwick Mall Flood. Warwick Mall Flood Pictures from the Rhode Island Flood (RI) Warwick Mall Flood Pictures from the Rhode Island Flood (RI) is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading