It hasn’t been easy keeping track of all the developments in Briana DeJesus’ life over the past few weeks, so here’s a brief recap of everything that’s transpired. It all started when Briana traveled to Miami to undergo plastic surgery. Despite the fact that she had broken up with Javi Marroquin just weeks earlier, Javi flew to Miami to be by her side and provide support in the days leading up to the procedure. Fans were stunned to see Javi all over Bri’s social media pages after what appeared to be a bitter breakup. But they were even more shocked when Javi took to social media to basically boast that he had “ditched” Briana after her surgery . And believe it or not, the plot twists didn’t end there. In the past week alone, two different rumors about Briana’s love life have captured the attention of Teen Mom Twitter. Some believe Briana is back with Dre , her ex who has gone to great lengths to keep his last name a secret. Others believe Briana is living with Devoin Austin , her baby daddy who’s been a constant subject of scorn for TM2 viewers. As far as we can tell, the latter rumor is true, while the former is BS. Briana is living with Devoin, but she’s just friends with Dre … we think. Either way, she apparently wishes Javi would simply keep his nose out of her business. Apparently, Javi noticed Bri’s recent Valentine’s Day posts and decided to give his ex a piece of his mind: “Javi needs to stop being bitter about the breakup and about Devoin and Dre. He texted me about why I got a teddy bear and why I got my nails done and why Devoin is living with me now,” Briana tells Radar Online. “He needs to stop harassing me and go worry about the relationship between Kailyn [Lowry] and him.” DeJesus goes on to say that she’s completely cut ties with Javi and plans to have no contact with him going forward: “I don’t want nothing to do with Javi,” she tells the outlet. “I am completely over it and ready to move the f–k on. If he continues to harass me, I will leak all texts and info.” Apparently in response to her allegations of harassment, Javi fired back with a series of tweets that he later deleted: “I have full conversations, but we don’t have to go there,” Javi tweeted, seemingly implying that he planned to release some texts of his own. “Y’all don’t know what’s going on. I don’t need to belittle or disrespect anyone. Just not in me anymore. I made that mistake once. I’ve lived and learned.” He ended the tweet storm with some words of wisdom for his fans: “Stay silent. The real ones around you know what’s good. Those that make noise want attention. That’s how I live my life now,” he tweeted. We hope Javi’s able to follow his own advice, but something tells us this situation is far from over. Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Briana’s wild world. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry Reacts to Javi Marroquin-Briana DeJesus Breakup: Did She Throw Shade?
Read more here:
Briana DeJesus: Javi Marroquin Is Harassing Me!