Tag Archives: diatribe-rant

Selena Gomez Don’t Care ABout No Grammar Do of the Day

I didn’t bother reading this bullshit diatribe rant that I assume Selena Gomez wrote and felt inclined to post as an instagram photo because she is a self involved, self righteous little cunt, and probably felt it was some inspirational moment being channeled through her like she was the prophet mohammed or the dude who started scientology…or whatever the fuck cult she’s trying to run…with her god complex…that happens when you’re young, rich, trained by Disney and have a team of people sucking your little pudgy dick clit… I did bother reading the caption where she announces to all her fans that she doesn’t care about Grammar…because she is an uneducated fuck who doesn’t need an education…and who doesn’t need an education because she’s rich as fuck….but she should probably not tell her retard fans…who are probably in high school, have no hope of ever being a rich Selena Gomez…that Grammar is dumb..and this right here, is the message these leaders of the future generation are giviing “Post selfies…it’ll all be ok”…. Insane use of her influence… The post Selena Gomez Don’t Care ABout No Grammar Do of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Selena Gomez Don’t Care ABout No Grammar Do of the Day