Tag Archives: dick-backstage

Naya Rivera Slutty with her Boyfriend for Terry Richardson of the Day

For those of you who don’t listen to rap music, like me, it turns out that Naya Rivera, the girl from Glee who I assume doesn’t play the amputee with downs syndrome lesbian troll who can’t get rid of her psoriasis, or some other ridiculous outcast caliber role, to connect with the virgin loser freaks who love that shit…is dating rapper Big Sean… In dating rapper Big Sean, she’s allowed her true colors of ratchet, groupie, video vixen, twerking, hooker you’d expect to see sucking dick backstage before the show, to shine through, because that’s probably the kind of girl she thinks her man needs to be satisfied… So she’s been in hip hop magazines, she’s got the hoop earrings, and now she’s being shot in pics with him, and she looks fucking hot…. I approve of this hustle…even though all your racist hicks probably hate her for it…even though based on her name…you probably hate her too…

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Naya Rivera Slutty with her Boyfriend for Terry Richardson of the Day