Tag Archives: different-idea

Happy Black Friday: The Best Of Women Wearing All Black

The Best Looking Women In All Black It’s Black Friday ! Usually that means we should spend time shopping. But we have a different idea: let’s just enjoy women looking fine as hell in all black. That’s how we choose to enjoy the festivities.

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Happy Black Friday: The Best Of Women Wearing All Black

American Idol Shocker: Goodbye, Siobhan Magnus

We ranked her second after Tuesday night’s performance show , but American Idol viewers had a different idea about Siobhan Magnus: They actually voted out this eccentric singer yesterday, cutting season nine down to five finalists. While it’s true Magnus could rely too much on hitting glory notes, and certainly talked back too much to the judges, at least she brought something unique to the Idol table. With the exception of Crystal Bowersox , can that really be said about anyone remaining? Equally as surprising as Siobhan’s elimination? She was joined in the bottom three by Casey James and Michael Lynche. We’d love for someone to tell us how Aaron Kelly avoided that fate. At least Shakira performed last night. She and her hips always make us happy. She was joined on stage bu Rascal Flatts, and Sons of Sylvia also played for viewers. Check them all out below, and bid farewell to Magnus now…

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American Idol Shocker: Goodbye, Siobhan Magnus