Tag Archives: digital-rights

Sonic to sell movies on USB drives

Sonic Solutions has announced that will begin selling USB drives loaded with movies that are available through their CinemaNow service, at retail price, beginning later this year. The drives will each hold one film, and will come from the CinemaNow library, which offers over 10,000 films from all the major studios. The movies can be played right from the drive or through many of the CinemaNow integrated devices

More here:
Sonic to sell movies on USB drives

RIAA denies DRM is "dead" quote

Yesterday, TF posted that according to an interview in SCMagazine , RIAA chief spokesperson Jonathan Lamy had declared the death of DRM ( digital rights management ) , putting an end to years of backing from the trade group. When asked about his thoughts on the rights management scheme, Lamy apparently said: “DRM is dead, isn’t it?” Also looking to the future, Lamy said it was “clear” that DRM was not part of the picture. According to an email sent to BetaNews however, the quote is “blatantly inaccurate.” He did add however, that DRM is slowly but surely moving towards death in the music world, but remains important in the TV and movie world

See the original post:
RIAA denies DRM is "dead" quote