Tag Archives: disgusting-name

Bregje Heinen for July’s GQ UK of the Day

Bregje Heinen may have a horrible sounding name in any language, even if it means something romantic in her native dutch, pronouncing it sounds like the food poisoning I had from eating South Florida asian food cooked by a cuban…but that doesn’t make her any less lovely, Not that names matter, I mean I generally don’t know the name of girls I fuck, let alone the names of girls I look at pictures in bikinis for GQ UK July Edition, especially when they look like this. I mean if Bregje was a fat chick in soiled sweatpants greasy hands from all the fries, with chocolate on her face, Bregje, would be a disgusting name that we could all laugh at, but when they look like this Bregje, she could be named anything…but I’d prefer if she was just naked.

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Bregje Heinen for July’s GQ UK of the Day